Curriculum 2019

Curricula Listing for students studying under Regulation 2019 [SER19], i.e all students starting PY19 (winter 2019/20) or later.

General Study Structure

The study structure and required amount of credits per module category is the same for all specializations, while the concrete catalog of available choices for core modules differs.
The general structure below shows the mandatory credit amounts in the different module categories (according to the Study Regulation 2019 annex).

The modules listed in the curriculum in C@mpus take precedence. Only modules listed on C@mpus can be taken.

  • Advanced Higher Mathematics

Dependening on your choice of specialization, you pick from different core module catalogues.
Over the course of the program you will take 10 modules (6CP) spread fairly equally between computer science (CS) and electrical engineering (EE):

  • 5 Core modules
    • min. 2 from the CS catalogue
    • min. 2 from the EE catalogue
      • Total of 30CP

  • 5 Supplementary modules 
    • min. 2 from the CS catalogue
    • min. 2 from the EE catalogue
      • Total of 30CP

You can choose one from the catalog of lab courses. You should have sufficient prior knowledge and/or are attending lectures (usually from the same institute) that are relevant to the lab you wish to take.

You have to register and receive a seat for the lab course to take part! Please avoid doing more than one lab course during your studies as spots are limited! 
Labs have to be registered twice: for the seat with the institute offering it within the deadline AND on C@mpus during the regular exam registration period to receive the grade.

For both availability and registration check the lists on the pinboards of the institutes, online-registering systems etc.
The offerings might change between semesters and there might be special lab courses announced on the institute boards or in class. 

Labs offered by the Department of CS:

An information e-mail is usually sent every semester detailing the sign-up process and dates.

An overview of the seminars, advanced seminars and lab courses/practical courses offered by the CS department - and information on how to register - can be found here:

Seminars and advanced seminars:  you have to register on your own over C@mpus.  Spots are limited and are given on a first-come-first-served basis.  So be sure to sign up as soon as possible once the sign-up period is announced.

Lab courses: Sign up is done over ILIAS. You will have to create a ranking list of the labs you are interested in and an algorithm will then assign the labs.  More information about the process can be found in the link above.


Labs offered by the Department of ETIT:
See the institutes' webpages and pinboards before the new semester starts

You choose one of the following independent of your specialization:

  • Information and Contract Law
  • Business Management and Administration
  • Technology and Innovation Management
  • Academic Writing for Master's Students (INFOTECH)

Non-Technical Modules are not graded, only passed/not passed!

The Research Project is a 3 month project that gives students their first experience appying their theoretical knowledge in a practical context.

Students have the option of completeing the project in the industry.  However, they need an advisor from Faculty 5 to support them.

As an alternative to the written project, students can choose to replace it with a seminar (3CP) and 2 supplementary modules (6CP).

The Master Thesis is a 6 month (1 semester) project at the end of the program. You choose a topic from the institute offerings or in collaboration with a professor/supervisor.

Study Plan

The study plan schedules 30CP per semester and is designed to provide the necessary prerequisites. When making your own, please consider that some modules are recommended for the first semester, offered as block seminars or only offered every second semester. The plan below is meant to serve as an example of how you could plan your courses.

Courses recommended for the first semester

Here is a selection of supplementary modules that we recommended taking in the first semester as they provide the basic foundation for their respective area. You can only chose a maximum of two 3 CP supplementary modules.

Information about lab courses and seminar choice

During your studies you will take one lab course and potentially a seminar (as replacement for the research project). You have to register and receive a seat for labs and seminars to take part! 

Labs and seminars have to be registered twice: for the seat with the institute offering it within the deadline AND on c@mpus during the regular exam registration period to receive the grade.

For both availability and registration check the lists on the pinboards of the institutes, online-registering systems etc.

Labs and seminars offered by the Department of CS:
Registration takes place online one semester in advance. The offer varies from year to year and is announced in a separate email.

Labs and seminars offered by the Department of EEIT:
See the institutes' webpages and pinboards before the new semester starts

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