INFOTECH students helping each other
In WS 23/24 we introduced a Buddy Program for INFOTECH students. The aim of the program is to assist new students during their arrival in Stuttgart and the beginning of their studies.
While similar to other buddy programs offered at the university, the INFOTECH Buddy Program is run and organized directly by the INFOTECH office and is exclusively for INFOTECH students.
Sign-up for WS 25/26 will begin in the summer!
Senior students, who are interested in meeting new people and helping the new INFOTECHlers (students of the INFOTECH program), serve - on a voluntary basis - as our buddies.
Our buddies can relate, based on their own experiences, to what new students are going through when they first arrive in Stuttgart and are therefore some of the best suited people to support our new students.
In addition, we hope to foster interaction between INFOTECH students in all semesters in order to form connections that further nurture the idea of supporting each other even beyond the frame of the buddy program.
Program Features
For new students
- Pickup service from airport or train station (in Stuttgart) and accompaniment to accommodations
- Assignment to a buddy who will be your main contact in the program
- Support with initial formalities related to your arrival in Stuttgart and getting started at the university
- Events and excursions to allow you to get to know other INFOTECH students, Stuttgart and the surrounding area
- Learning groups
For Buddies
- Meet new students and support them with your own experience
- Chance to gain intercultural experience
- Chance to show leadership by organising and running events
- Certificate of voluntary engagement tailored to your partcipation in the program
An overview of some of the events that have been offered or are planned:
- Campus Tour
- Meet-ups at bars
- Visit museums (Porsche Museum, Mercedes Museum)
- Blacklight Minigolf
- visit Christmas Markets in the area
1) Who can participate:
New students who will be beginning their studies at the University of Stuttgart.
Buddies can be any INFOTECH student in the second semester or higher.
2) How much does the program cost?
The program itself is free of charge. There may be entrance fees etc. associated with participation in excursions.

Katharina Geng
International Study Manager INFOTECH