Research Project

A 15 credit written report which can be done within the University or in the industry.


The research project is a larger experimental or theoretical work. It equals a workload of 15 credit points to be carried out over one semester, preferably at a university institute, or (with additional restrictions, see attached information sheets) at an external institution. It is meant to provide an opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge practically as a preparation for the master thesis. If no suitable topic is found, the project may be replaced by a seminar and two additional specialization modules (core or supplementary modules). A project report (in english) and a presentation of 20-30 minutes conclude the examination.

See the module in c@mpus here

Tips for finding a topic (from the Dean of Studies):

  • Do not send generic mass emails as they will most likely be ignored. Contact specific recipients directly and include 1-2 sentences in your email explaining why you think the institute/topic is a good fit based on your skills (eg. refer to relevant lectures/labs you have attended).
  • Provide information regarding the courses you have attended within the institute you are approaching including your performance. Not having taken a course from the institute greatly reduces your chances of finding a suitable project/topic there (so focus on approaching institutes where you have taken courses).
  • Approach the research staff first (especially those you may know from your courses); they tend to have the best overview of available projects/topics.

Important Notes

(not exhaustive, regulations in §23 PO19 are binding)

  • The timelimit to complete the research project is 6 months. This begins once the project is registered with the examination office.
  • The examiner must be from the Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at the University Stuttgart
  • Research Projects are offered by an examiner (usually professor), but there is no right to be offered a project in an external institution
  • If the student proposes a custom project, the student has to select and approach an examiner, who ultimately makes the decision whether to accept it
  • The project is an examination and thus must not be paid
  • The project is not a mandatory internship, the INFOTECH office cannot issue a document stating equivalence to a mandatory internship
  • Projects at external institutions must meet certain quality assurances

External Projects

Be aware that when choosing to do a research project in the industry, you generally won't experience the same level of guidance as you would when doing the project directly with a university institute.

A research project at a company requires a great deal of self-discipline and determination as you will be expected to 'blend-in' to the existing work procedures. These procedures are not designed for supporting a student with their research.
As a result, you may find yourself 'on your own' as even the support available within the university may be limited as they may have no connection with your external topic.

While an external thesis can be very rewarding it usually requires that the student show more initiative as they are alone responsible for:
1) finding a topic and an advisor within the faculty
2) ensuring that the quality assurances (outlined in Information sheet below) are met
3) completing the project  - even if there is only limited support available

Your final grade for the project is suggested by your advisor within the company, and the university examiner will align the suggestion with the overall expectations.

Information Sheet for Students (english)
Information Sheet for External Institutions (german)

Registration Procedure

The research project cannot be registered via C@mpus and must be registered with the examination office directly using the exam registration form. Additionally, the examining professor/institute or institution can require further documents or contracts in their own process, so make sure to inquire this in advance when asking for a project.

Examination Name Research Project Information Technology
Examination No. 77351
Examiner <your examiner>
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