Please send any requests or proposals for the exam commission to:
Important: Add PA: in the subject field
Application for extension form (master thesis, research project, duration of studies): Extension form
Other forms required by the exam commision can be found here: Forms
An extension of the Master Thesis or Research Project can be requested through the Infotech Office if you are unable to complete the project on time due to circumstances beyond your control, such as:
- Medical Problems:
The original doctor's note with the doctor's signature is required (translated if not in english/german) - Technical Problems:
Hardware related issues. The professors signature is needed on the extenstion form.
Send the completed extenstion form along with any other required documents (ie. doctor's note, Confirmation of technical issues from advisor ) to
Requests should be submitted without delay!
If you need to withdraw from an exam exceeding the '7-days-prior' rule, you will need permission from the chairman of the examination commission.
Fill in the Examination Date / Examination Number (as listed in C@mpus), the attempt and the full name of the module/examination and you personal details including your matriculation number
Research Project:
To deregister from your research project the withdrawal form must be signed by the examiner/advisor of your research project and the chairman of the examination commission.
According to §5(6) Study Regulation 2019:
- An elective (Supplementary modules only!) which has not yet been passed may be changed on up to two occasions by making a declaration to the Examination Office.
- This means the student is no longer obligated to retake examinations from the previous elective in those occasions.
- This declaration can only be submitted providing the student has not yet lost the right for further examination for the Information Technology (INFOTECH) master’s degree program and has not yet passed all the examinations required to graduate. The previous module which was changed cannot be continued at a later stage.
Note: Credits that have been counted towards your bachelor degree/grade cannot be recognized.
If you are switching between master programs, or have completed some master modules during a semester abroad you can apply to have completed courses counted towards your INFOTECH degree.
Please fill out this form and submit it to
Include PA: in the subject line.
Please make sure:
- the CP's match between the module taken and the one you wish to replace
- the examiner of the module has signed the form* (include a course description)
- please include transcripts for the original courses
- the points listed above are completed before submitting the form
*Important as the chairman of the examination commission needs the examiners 'ok' to evaluate and accept the recognition of the modules. It is the responsibility of the student to gather the signatures from the examiners.
Help with the form:
Where do I find 'Allocation to the Curriculum (C@mpus Nodes)'
See here.
If you cannot find a thesis topic in time you need to make a hand-written, signed request to the Chairman of the Examination Commission to assign you a Master thesis topic. In order to evaluate the situation you have to attach the document below where you list the Professors you have already contacted. Please make sure that you follow the steps as mentioned in the document. Don’t forget to add copies of the topics as they had been published by the respective institute.