Migration Path

For students of previous study regulations

During October 2019 students currently studying under a previous version of the study regulation can migrate to the new PO19 on special terms.

The migration period is over and it is no longer possible for students of previous study and examination regulations to switch to the SER 2019.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, according to PO19 §30 (2) all students under previous study regulations can migrate by submitting a written request to the Examination Office until 31. October 2019. Submitting this request is final and irrevocable! 

Make sure you read the new PO and the information on this page to understand all implications a migration would have on your particular studies. There is no obligation nor direct advantage to migrating!

The decision to switch heavily depends on your individual case. Generally there is little advantage for students beyond the second semester, as most changes target the basic modules, restrictions for choosing elective modules and the addition of a research project, which can only be taken if no seminar was done yet.

If you switch, all modules will be mapped to equivalent modules of the new PO and you have to finish your studies under the terms of PO19. There will be an equivalence list for the mapping, but not all modules exist in the new PO, so you need to check your indiviual case for potential disadvantages. If a module you took is not available in the new PO, or the amount of credit points increased, you will loose credit for it upon migration. Also, new restrictions for electing modules were introduced, alongside the changes to the module catalog (see here). These might force you to change your plans if you intended to primarily take courses from only EE or only CS.


By submitting a written request to the Examination Office until 31. October 2019. Submitting this request is final and irrevocable!

All registered modules that have an equivalence in the new module handbook 2019 will be migrated. This includes passed and not passed modules. For modules without a direct equivalence there will be a list of mappings. Contact Frau Karina Buchhorn, Prüfungsamt, for further details

Modules without a correspondence in the new PO will be dropped completely (considered unregistered). Not passed modules have to be completed under the terms of the old regulation and are migrated afterwards. The number of tries is transferred.

They are mutually exclusive. According to the module handbook the seminar can only be taken as a replacement to the research project. This means it is only possible to either choose the project or the seminar with two additional supplementary modules. If you migrate and have already done a seminar, you cannot opt for the research project!

All modules that have an equivalence in the new PO will be migrated. All others will be dropped.

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