Important Dates

Important dates for INFOTECH applicants and students

Important Dates for Applicants (recurring)

Application Period

November 15th to February 15th for the following winter semester.

Admission Notification

Status in C@MPUS ca. April/May.



September - November
Deadline: November 15th

Official Academic Calender

The official Academic calendar of the University of Stuttgart can be found here.
Exam Registration deadlines can be found on C@MPUS system.

Important Semester Dates

Semester start and end dates

Semester Start:
Winter semester - October 1st
Summer semester - April 1st 

Semester End:
Winter semester - March 31st
Summer semester - September 30th

Classes start

Winter semester - ca. mid October (KW 42)

Summer semester - ca. mid April (KW 15)

Please keep in mind that the introductory lecture for freshmen might take place before the classes officially start in winter semester. It will be announced in the news section.

*KW  - Kalenderwoche = calender week

Classes end

Winter semester - ca. mid February (KW 06)

Summer semester - ca. 3rd week of July (KW 29)

Exam Period

Exam Registration:
Winter semester - ca. mid November till ca. 1st week of December
Summer semester - ca. mid May till ca. 1st week of June

Exam Period:
Winter semester - ca. mid February till ca. 1st week of April
Summer semester - ca. 1st week of August till ca. end of September

This covers only exams managed by the central examination office! Projects, practicals, exercises and oral examinations can occur during the semester and need to be registered separately. They might be required as precondition to be allowed to sit the final exam (aka "Pre-Requisites", in german "Schein" or "Vorleistung").

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