
Quick information about the application process for INFOTECH.

For students who consider applying for the multidisciplinary Master study program INFOTECH a summary of its basics may help:


Global Application Requirements

INFOTECH does not discriminate according to gender, origin, color or religion. Selection of applicants is mainly done according to Bachelor marks (GPA/CGPA or similar) in relation to other applicants from the same university or country provided that degree type, degree study field, program length (in years) and English proficiency meet the requirements. For further details, please see Requirements.


The Program

The regular study time is 4 terms (semester)/two years. As an example, for Program Implementation 2019 (PY19) the official start of the program is 01-Oct-2018 and the graduation would typically be around October 2020. A thorough description of the program can be found in the section Program Overview.

According to the admission regulation of 2014, which is in force, German proficiency is not an admission prerequisite anymore. Nevertheless, INFOTECH supports students to acquire basic German language knowledge in cooperation with the Language Center at the University of Stuttgart. However, INFOTECH can not guarantee a seat for a course.



We ask applicants to choose their preferred specialization (major) within the application forms, but this choice has no impact on the chances of admission. INFOTECH is an admission-restricted program, therefore the competition for seats is on program level, not on specialization level. All applications, no matter what specialization is given, compete for the same seats. The selection of a specialization together with the course contents documented in the Bachelor transcript determine the courses (modules/sub-modules) assigned for the 1st term by the examination commission. The specialization can be changed until start of the program.



For application, these details need not to be decided. However they should be considered for overall planning. Based on our experience, it is strongly advisable to start Visa process as early as possible, as this may take up to 4 months.
Since 2016 the application procedure itself is performed in one step electronically via the new Campus Management System C@MPUS. If you have technical questions concerning C@mpus please always contact support@campus.uni-stuttgart.de.
A manual for application via the new Campus Management System is available here.


The University of Stuttgart is not in a position to award any scholarships or give financial support.
To learn more about scholarship programs in Germany, see for example the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) webpage or other organisations at the German Embassy in your home country. We have also collected some useful links in the Links Section of the INFOTECH Homepage.

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