Christmas Event

December 10, 2021 / INFOTECH Office

Soon it will be Christmas and finally the semester break! To sweeten the time until then, the International Office planned a Christmas pin board event.

How does it work?

Write a small christmas letter for another student (holiday wishes, poems, ...) and put it into the designated letterbox in front of the International Office (IZ), right next to Pokkez, Pfaffenwaldring 60, 70569 Stuttgart. We will also provide paper and pens on site. Next to the letterbox, you can find a pin board with small Christmas bags (a letter from another student and a small surprise from us). Feel free to take a Christmas bag in exchange for a letter. 

The pin board and the letterbox will be available from Monday, December 13 until Wednesday, December 22. It will stay outside of the office during our office hours: Monday – Thursday from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. and Friday from 9 a.m. until 12 p.m.

In case of any questions, please feel free to contact us:


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