Save the Date! Invitation from the Welcome Center

September 15, 2022 /

Save the Date! Invitation from the Welcome Center

Save the Date! Invitation from the Welcome Center

Dear students,


Attached you may find an invitation from the Welcome Center Stuttgart to the Welcome Club of the city of Stuttgart.

Welcome Club means that the Welcome Center organizes regular meetings for young international students in Stuttgart.

The topics are game nights, language nights and simple get togethers to enable international students to mingle and socialise with peers.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to meet fellow students.

Please have a look at the leaflet for further information.


And don’t miss the event Your Start in Stuttgart on November 16, 2022.

The Welcome Center welcomes all international students and offers tips and tricks concerning finding a student job or how to search for accommodation.

Registration required, please have a look at the leaflet for further information.


Kind regards from the International Office

Katja Jenkner, Svenja Wübker & Carolin Diffenhard


Frau/Ms Katja Jenkner

Betreuung internationale Studierende/

Advisor for international students 


Dezernat Internationales/International Office

Universitaet Stuttgart

Pfaffenwaldring 60

70569 Stuttgart


Tel: +49-711-685-68546




Folgen Sie uns auf/ Follow us on:




Offene Sprechstunde im Internationalen Zentrum:

Montag und Mittwoch 13.30 - 15.30 Uhr

Dienstag und Donnerstag 10 - 12 Uhr

Bitte denken Sie an eine FFP2-Maske!

Offene Online-Sprechstunde:
Montag und Mittwoch 10 - 12 Uhr 

Zugangslink für Internationale Studierende

Ich bin nicht immer zu den Sprechzeiten verfügbar.

Für ein persönliches Treffen schicken Sie bitte eine E-Mail-Anfrage.


General opening hours International Center:

Monday and Wednesday 1.30 pm - 3.30 pm

Tuesday and Thursday 10 am - 12 pm

Please wear a facial mask!

General online consultation hours:
Monday and Wednesday 10 am - 12

Click here: International students

I am not always available during office hours.

For a face-to face meeting, please send an email request.



Frau/Ms Katja Jenkner

Betreuung internationale Studierende/

Advisor for international students 

Dezernat Internationales/International Office

Universitaet Stuttgart

Pfaffenwaldring 60

70569 Stuttgart


Tel: +49-711-685-68546





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