Seminar / Lab Course Registration Summer 2023

January 11, 2023 /

Seminar / Lab Course Registration

Dear students,


each semester the department of Computer Science offers a variety of seminars, advanced seminars and lab courses / practical courses. Please note that students are not allowed to attend more than one course from each of the 3 offered kinds of courses.

The contents of the courses offered in the summer 2023 can be found here:

For some offers the description is still missing, but I will add it within the next 3 days.


The registration for all these courses takes place in the ILIAS repository under Magazin -> Ingenieurwissenschaften -> Informatik -> Informatik-Marktplatz. In this course there is a folder named " Seminaranmeldung / Seminar registration " and in this folder there are 3 subfolders::


  • 1 - Seminare (Bachelor) Summer 2023
  • 2 - Hauptseminare (Master) Summer 2023
  • 3 - Fachpraktika (Master) Summer 2023


These folders are open for registration. The registration will run as follows:

  • You have to create a personal ranking list / chart for the type of course you are interested in (thus: one for the advanced seminars and another for the laboratory courses).
  • This personal ranking list / chart (please name the list with your name) has to be uploaded in the respective folder in ILIAS (thus: in the folder "advanced seminars" or in the folder "laboratory courses", respectively). How exactly the chart has to look like will be explained ion the web page (see Link above).
  • An algorithm will calculate the best mapping of the students to the advanced seminars or laboratory courses, taking into account the individual ranking.
  • The registration (= upload the individual ranking chart) is possible until Monday, 23.01.2023, inclusive.


After the registration is closed the algorithm will assign the students to the courses, taking into account the individual ranking for the respective course type. You will be informed about the results of the selection process via email. Afterwards the lecturers will receive the list of participants and then get in contact with then to talk about meetings and the offered topics. Please additionally check the web pages or the pdfs of the call of each course (if available) for possible further information.


Further important information

  • The exam registration has to be done by the students during the general exam registration period of the University of Stuttgart in the C@mpus system. You have to register for the advanced seminar or Lab course in your program and select the correct examiner. He / she is mentioned on the call of the course.
  • A de-registration from any of the courses is only possible until the end of the exam registration period and only after informing the lecturer about it. Any later de-registrations lead to a "fail" in the course. The de-registration as to be carried out online via the C@mpus system.


If you have any questions please ask me.


Best regards,

   Katrin Schneider.


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