DAAD Matching Funds Scholarship for International Students

October 1, 2021 / INFOTECH Office

With its scholarship line STIBET III Matching Funds the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) offers funds for scholarships to support international students.

These funds match contributions raised by the University of Stuttgart from non-public foundations or companies.

The STIBET III Matching Funds are a partial scholarship granted for 2021.
The amount and duration is determined be a scholarship committee of the International Office.


Application deadline: October 26, 2021


You are an international Master’s students in one of the following English study programs:
WASTE, MIP, Physics, GEOENGINE, Infotech, ITECH und IUSD?
You are at least in your second semester and in financial need?

Please feel free to apply for the scholarship.

For further information please have a look at the call for application and the application form.

Don’t hesitate to contact the International Office in case of further questions:

Katja Jenkner
Pfaffenwaldring 60
70569 Stuttgart
0711 685 68546

You may return your application by e-mail or mail.



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