IaCL Repeat Exam 2022 (INFOTECH & GeoEngine) - 07.10.2022, Room 24.01 , Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 24d , Stuttgart Stadtmitte

September 7, 2022

IaCL Repeat Exam 2002 (INFOTECH & GeoEngine)

**IaCL-Repeat Exam**

Dear students,

please note:

The repeat exam for IaCL for INFOTECH and GeoEngine students will be held on:

Oct. 7th, 2022, @12:00, Room 24.01 , Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 24d , Stuttgart Stadtmitte.

The exam will be supervised and was scheduled by Dr. Martin Metzner (GeoEngine). For any further questions please

contact Dr. Metzner.

Good luck & Regards,


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