German Language Course DaF A1.2

April 8, 2021 / Janja Schulz

The Language Center of the University of Stuttgart offers again an additional German courses DaF Level A1.2 exclusively for INFOTECH students.

All actively enrolled INFOTECH students are eligible to apply.

The German Language Course A1.2 is for students with previous knowledge of German or who have successfully completed level A1.1 with a certificate of achievement. 
For a thorough assessment of your language level, please take a placement test. 


The online registration is open until April, 16. Registration link

Lecturer: Amelie Liebgott
Day: Monday
Time: 18:15-21:30 Uhr
First lecture: 26.04.2021
Books: Menschen A1.2 Kursbuch mit DVD-ROM, Hueber Verlag, ISBN: 978-3-19-561901-1, Menschen A1.2 Arbeitsbuch mit Audio-CD, Hueber Verlag: ISBN: 978-3-19-511901-6

The course takes place online via WebEx and Ilias. The seats are limited and the selection will be made on a first come first served basis. The participants on the fixed place list in C@MPUS will receive an info mail from the lecturer. The courses are free of charge but participants must purchase the supporting material on their own charge. 


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