Welcome Center Stuttgart: Upcoming events

June 10, 2022

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

We are pleased to invite you to our next online events. The events are free of charge.

  • Wednesday, 22.06.2022/ 4 p.m., online-event

Welcome to Baden-Württemberg: Homologación de titulos profesionales

Language: Spanish
Find the Flyer attached.

Participation: https://zoom.us/j/92745157070?pwd=cld4UlRHUnlvRU1xMWZIRXVKL1d5UT09


  • Wednesday, 29.06.2022/ 6 p.m., online-event
    Living and Working in the Stuttgart Region

Successful Application and Working in the Stuttgart Region
In cooperation with: Agentur für Arbeit Stuttgart, Intension GmbH
Language: English
Find the Flyer attached.

Registration: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_8zDkZbp_Q2O7PZ8ifSAJGQ


  • Wednesday, 29.06.2022/ 10 a.m., live event
    Living and Working in the Stuttgart Region

Women’s special - career start, workplace re-entry
In cooperation with: BeFF-Berufliche Förderung von Frauen e.V., Kontaktstelle Frau und Beruf Stuttgart – Region Stuttgart
Location: Landratsamt Göppingen
Find the Flyer attached.

Registration: www.wrs.region-stuttgart.de/Lebenundarbeiten-FrauundBeruf

  • Thursday, 30.06.2022/ 5 p.m, live event
    Science meets economy: Attracting young talents for environmental technologies
    Get-together for international students, course managers and environmental technology-companies from the Stuttgart Region

Language: German
Location: Globales Klassenzimmer, Eingang A, 1. Stock, Charlottenplatz 17, 70173 Stuttgart

Registration: wrs.region-stuttgart.de/wissenschaftsfestival


Save the date

Online job fair for international skilled specialists and trainees in the Stuttgart Region for the IT, retail, hotel/restaurant sectors

Wednesday, 20.07.2022/2-5 p.m, Company Day
Employer presentations
Registration: https://wrs.region-stuttgart.de/online-jobmesse

Friday, 22.07.2022/10-13 a.m., Application Day
Get to know companies – first conversation
Registration: only possible if you attended the event on the 20th july

Find the Flyer attched.

Please find attached further information here 


New phone number: Welcome Center Stuttgart

Please note our new phone number from now on: 0711 216-64640!

Find upcoming events for June-July here.

Do you need the WCS flyer as a print product? Write an email to welcome@region-stuttgart.de


Current job advertisement: Welcome Service Region Stuttgart

Please find attached further information here.


We look forward to seeing you!


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